Chris Dinse – Green Bay, Wisconsin

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Chris has been riding kneeboards since the age of 6. He is a member of the Northern Boarders kneeboarding club and performs on his board with

the Waterboard Warriors Show Ski Team. He holds two national kneeboarding titles, and is the current men’s II national champ.

Chris is extremely active and in

volved in show skiing, and skis in front of large crowds reaching the thousands all summer long. Big crowds is what pushes him to go big and take his tricks high. His mission is to show people and spectators everywhere what can be accomplished on a kneeboard, and that they go just as big as

wakeboards! Chris has been featured in “The Waterskiier” magazine, “The Wisconsin Wat

erskiier,” and many forms of local and regional press.

If you find yourself in the crowd at a show skiing tournament, look

for Chris, he will be the one who is hanging high on his HO kneeboard.


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